#### In Memoriam * Hartmuth Wiedenroth († 03.06.2011) * ####
Ein großer Tier- und Menschenfreund
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Thema: Eisbär Knut - So war sein Leben / The Knut Diary

Knut und sein geliebter Baum


und seine niedliche Tapirlippe, wie schön


Teil 2

Ich finde es tröstlich, dass hier jeden Tag so schöne Fotos und Erinnerungen von Knut eingestellt werden.
Vielen Dank dafür.
Ja Knut fehlt!!



Ja Marion, Knut liebte seinen Baum sehr.
Es gab mal einen schönen Song von Alexandra, die ja leider auch nicht mehr lebt, der hieß: Mein Freund der Baum.

Dear Sabine, I apologize for the incorrect date. Must have been a Freudian slip - wishful thinking deep down in my heart. What I would give for the chance to see him again!

Mervi, how right you are. We look through our pictures, relive the times we had with this wonderful bear, smile and often say "do you remember this?". Then all of a sudden the realization hits that we will never again see him, talk to him or watch him lovingly. That is when the pain starts all over again, more powerful than before.

Marion, wie oft haben wir ihn beobachtet an und mit seinem Baum. Du hast ihn sehr schön eingefangen.


Knut ist neben diesem Baum groß geworden. Die Bilder sind schön.


Knut spielte gern mit dem Unkraut. Es sah auch ordentlich aus in seinem Garten.


Die Jutesäcke waren auch geliebt.

Danke an Alle für die wunderschönen Erinnerungen...


Memories / Erinnerungen

Pictures from 09.11.2008

Knut, we miss you !



The Knut diary / Das Knut Tagebuch
Spendenaufruf: Ein Denkmal für Knut / A Memorial for Knut !

Dear Doris,
I thank you very much for your kind and very detailed answer.
Fabio and I are very, very sad and angry because of the removal of all the fond and touching tributes offered to our beloved Knut.
Well, to tell you the truth, after having seen the photos of the padlocks at the Zoo, at Knut's, posted here in this Forum, Fabio has decided to try to make a padlock that cannot be removed, or, at least, which requires a lot of work for its removal. We will see his goal...

Patrizia, I am sure that not only I am looking forward to such a patent. Would love to see it.


Darling Knut
May 20, 2008



Don't apologize. I don't have write it with the aim of causing you of the embarrassment. I simply wanted to say to you that I would be very happy if your "Lapsus" could come true ... See again my little KNUT would be a real pleasure for me ... and I believe for all us ...

Thank you for your wonderful photos our beloved KNUT.


I'm looking for a cadena too which we can't cut, to extract ... If I find it, I would inform you ...

Sabine (France)


Here is my last collage with one Sylvia's photo.

Sabine (France)


... wieder eine sehr schöne Collage, danke Sabine. Knuti lächelt so entspannt.

Die Schrift gefällt mir gut, wie heißt sie??


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